Steller Sea Lion Facts

Steller Sea Lion Facts. Male sea lions, slightly longer at nine feet,. Their pelvic bone structure allows.

Steller Sea Lion Facts

“the steller (or northern) sea lion (eumetopias jubatus) is the largest. Female sea lions average seven feet in length and about 600 pounds.

“The Steller (Or Northern) Sea Lion (Eumetopias Jubatus) Is The Largest.

Steller sea lions are golden brown in colour.

Female Sea Lions Average Seven Feet In Length And About 600 Pounds.

Female Sea Lions Average Seven Feet In Length And About 600 Pounds., Images

Steller sea lions inhabit over 300 haulouts and rookeries along the north pacific rim from hokkaido, japan, north along the kuril islands into kamchatka and the sea.

Females Are Much Smaller And May Grow To 9 Feet In Length And Weigh 1,000 Pounds.

Females Are Much Smaller And May Grow To 9 Feet In Length And Weigh 1,000 Pounds., Images

Images References

Images References, Images

Steller Sea Lions Are The World’s Largest Species Of Sea Lions.

Steller Sea Lions Are The World’s Largest Species Of Sea Lions., Images

Males may grow to 11 feet in length and weigh almost 2,500 pounds.

Steller Sea Lions Are The Largest Members Of The Otariid, Or “Eared Seal,” Family.

Steller sea lions can weigh up to 2,500 pounds.

Sea Lions Are Different To Seals.

Sea Lions Are Different To Seals., Images